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Pathways and Articulation Agreements

The University of Mount Union currently maintains Pathways and Articulation Agreements with the following institutions and academic programs. Check back often, as more partnerships are currently being explored.

What are Pathways and Articulation Agreements?

Pathways and Articulation Agreements are formal partnerships between colleges and universities that document the schools’ transfer policies for specific academic programs, giving students a pre-defined option to further their education.

A typical associate’s degree program at Stark State requires completion of 60 credit hours. Mount Union requires a minimum of 120 hours for a bachelor’s degree, so a student with an associate’s degree working toward a bachelor’s degree will have an additional 60 credit hours to complete. Depending upon whether a student attends full- or part-time, a bachelor’s degree could be earned from Mount Union in as little as two years.


  1. Capital University Law School

    3+3 Political Science/Law School Partnership

  2. Case Western Reserve University

    Master of Accountancy Partnership

  3. Cleveland State University

    Bachelor's to Master's Degree Pathways

    The University of Mount Union and Cleveland State University (CSU) have an articulation agreement that will qualify Mount Union engineering and physics graduates for direct admission into one of seven master’s degree programs at CSU.

    Under this agreement, Mount Union students graduating with a cumulative 2.75 grade-point average (GPA) in its Bachelor of Science degrees in biomedical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering programs will qualify for the respective master’s degree programs at CSU. Students graduating with a 3.0 GPA from Mount Union’s computer engineering program qualify for CSU’s Master of Science degree in computer science and its Master of Science degree in software engineering. 

    Mount Union physics students graduating with a 3.0 GPA will also qualify for direct admission into any one of the seven applicable master’s degree programs at CSU.

  4. Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C)

    The University of Mount Union and Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) have an articulation agreement for Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Business degree completion by which transfer pathways for bachelor’s degree completion are jointly created and approved by both Tri-C and Mount Union as they are developed.

  5. Grove City College

    The University of Mount Union and Grove City College have an articulation agreement for Mount Union's Doctor of Physical Therapy program by which Mount Union will accept all successfully completed pre-requsite courses. If the student meets all of the articulation criteria, the student will receive an invitation to interview at Mount Union. 

  6. Kansai Gaidai

    2+2 Dual Degree Program

  7. Lorain County Community College (LCCC)

    The University of Mount Union and Lorain County Community College (LCCC) have an articulation agreement that allows any LCCC student who completes an LCCC associate degree (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, or Associate of Science) guaranteed admission to Mount Union to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Students must meet all Mount Union admission requirements. Upon admission to Mount Union, pursuant to the University Catalog, programmatic handbooks, and the Student Handbook.

    *There are additional admission requirements criteria for the nursing, music, and theatre degree programs*

  8. Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED)


    Early Assurance Pathway to NEOMED College of Medicine

  9. Notre Dame College

    Mount Union has established a pathway for Notre Dame College students. Learn more about the Falcon to Raider Commitment program. 

  10. Ohio Northern University, Dicke Distinction Program

    Master of Science in Accounting Partnership

  11. Portage Learning

    The transfer agreement between Mount Union and Portage Learning documents the transferability of Portage Learning courses and their corresponding course equivalencies at Mount Union. This provides greater clarity for students who want to transfer their Portage Learning credits to Mount Union by allowing them to clearly determine how each course will be applied to their program of study. Portage has built Mount Union your very own co-branded landing page that outlines each of these course equivalencies. This has not yet been updated with these addendum changes, but that should occur shortly. 

    Landing page link:

  12. Stark State
    Communication Studies
    Criminal Justice
    Early Childhood Education
    Early Childhood Intervention Specialist
    Integrated Media
    National Security and Foreign Intelligence Analysis
    Civil Engineering
    Human Development and Family Science
    Mechanical Engineering
    SSC Pre-Med to UMU Biology


    Reverse Transfer- This reverse transfer agreement between Stark State College (SSC) and UMU allows students to transfer credits from UMU to SSC credits and apply such credits towards applicable SSC degree requirement. Students must have earned 20-40 non-developmental credit hours at SSC, and have their credits evaluated. Once SSC determines that all requirements are met, SSC shall award such students an associate degree from SSC. 

  13. University of Akron, School of Law

    3+3 Political Science/Law School Partnership

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